Empowering Churches
Church Role Resources:
- Research
- Training
- Webinar

Our vision
All our work begins with you, the people who care daily for children in the church. Find resources curated for your role below!
Church Role Resources:
Parent Role Resources:
Ministry Role Resources:
Children’s ministry is a whole-person (and multi-person) challenge and opportunity. Our resources are designed to support you as you seek to nurture the spiritual formation of the children in your care.
After over a decade of prayers, Dr. Larson and the CFC team are humbled and excited to come alongside churches as they nurture children’s faith formation.
Expand your knowledge and sharpen your focus! Each toolkit considers a central question for adults and for kids and includes relevant research, downloadable ministry resources, ministry inspiration, and curriculum reviews.
Kids Ministry Foundations
We’re guessing you’re here because you know that there’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to ministry with children.
Have a question we haven’t answered? Ask your questions, and help direct our research!
The Center for Faith and Children