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The CFC Research Fellowship

We work together with outstanding post-doctoral researchers to further the field of children’s faith formation.

Research Fellowship Guidelines

The Center for Faith and Children (CFC) research fellowship aims to partner with outstanding post-doctoral researchers who are active in research that focuses on and contributes to the field of children’s faith formation. The Center expects Fellows to be deeply committed to its mission and vision and desire to deepen the understanding of children, their spirituality, and faith formation through sound research. We seek researchers with a Ph.D. in ministry, education, or related fields who can demonstrate excellent research skills. This is a one-year renewable position with a small stipend.

1. Core Values

  • Faithfulness to Biblical authority
  • A high view of children
  • Exemplary Christian testimony
  • Integration of social science research
  • Relevance of research to Children’s ministry practice

2. Expectations

  • Conduct relevant, publishable, and presentable research. Research should culminate in conference presentations, journal articles, or other publications. To that end, Fellows will collaborate with the TEDS Educational Ministries department.
  • Participate, at least twice a year, in seminars, workshops, conferences, or other professional meetings on children’s faith formation as suggested by the Executive Director or identified by the Fellows and deemed relevant by the Executive Director.
  • Support ongoing CFC research and other relevant proposals.
  • Collaborate with other CFC Fellows and meet monthly with the Managing Director.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

3. Research Focus

CFC will support research topics generated by Fellows as well as suggest topics. We want fellows to explore topics of interest and concern. Here are CFC’s big-picture themes for the first five years that Fellows could explore related topics:

  • Year One: Foundations - General Children’s Faith Formation
  • Year Two: Children and Worship
  • Year Three: Early Childhood Faith Formation
  • Year Four: Children and Prayer
  • Year Five: Learning with Children - Theory and Approaches

Are you researching children's ministry and education?

We'd love for you to consider asking questions about children's ministry with us!