Episode 4 Season 1

“I Can Face Hard Things” with Dr. Holly Allen


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Today’s Episode

Is faith good for kids? Can it help them face the hard things they face now and will face in the future?

Dr. Holly Allen shares where research on resilience and spirituality intersect. We’ll discuss what a connection to Jesus and to a faith community have to do with children’s ability to bear up under the large and small challenges they will face. Children share stories of hard things & what has helped them overcome.


Meet our Guest

Dr. Holly Allen

Dr. Allen recently retired from her position as Professor of Christian Ministries and Family Science at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee.

In retirement, her areas of interest continue to be children’s spiritual formation and intergenerational ministry. She previously served as the chair of both InterGenerate and the Children’s Spirituality Summit, interdenominational conferences related to ministry with children. Dr. Allen has also authored several books including Forming Resilient Children: The Role of Spiritual Formation for Healthy Development.

Next Episode — Episode 05

"I Can Worship God" with Dr. Robbie Castleman

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