Episode 6 Season 1

“I Can Wonder About the Bible” with Dr. Emily McGowin


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Today’s Episode

We all have some sense that “reading the Bible” is important and something that we *should* be doing in our homes. But what happens when we actually read the Bible? How can we handle the difficult topics contained in Scripture and what should we do with the tricky questions it raises for our kids (and for us too!)?

This week, we hear what real kids have to say about the Bible, reflect on how reading the Bible with our kids might actually help us grow, and talk about the practical challenges of actually reading the Bible as a family.


Meet Our Guest

Dr. Emily McGowin

Dr. Emily McGowin teaches theology at Wheaton College. She is also a priest and canon theologian in the Anglican diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO). Her research focuses on the embodied, lived theology of regular Christians. Dr. McGowin is interested in bringing history and texts into conversation with the lived experience of Christian communities and is currently working on a book about the theology of the family.

The theological insights aren’t just coming from the professionals, from the lecterns, and the pulpits. They’re also coming from our children, and we have a lot to learn.

Dr. Emily McGowin

Next Episode — Episode 07

"I Am Loved by God" with Jared Patrick Boyd

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