8 Ways Kids Experience Faith
How do kids experience faith? This article explores 8 common ways children connect with spirituality, offering valuable insights for parents and caregivers.
It can be tough to know where to start with Children’s Ministry, and even tougher to know where to go on. You’re not the only one asking how you can take your ministry deeper. Here we’re asking questions of our church communities and ourselves to build up communities where a child’s faith can flourish!
Growing Faith Through Imitation
Discover how kids naturally learn and grow in…
8 Ways Kids Experience Faith
How do kids experience faith? This article explores…
Interactive Prayer with Kids
At the Center for Faith and Children, we…
An Interactive Prayer Space
At this year’s Children’s Spirituality Summit, the Center…
5 Ways to Invest in Your Ministry Leadership
Here are five ways you can invest in…
Praygrounds: Embracing Hospitality Towards Children
Explore the idea of a “Prayground” and how…
Have I Considered Children?
We’ve gathered five questions you can ask yourself…
5 Ways to Help Kids Experience Belonging at Church
Here are five ways your church can “say”…
I Can Know God: A Guide to Children’s Spirituality
Take the next step towards a greater understanding…